Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Cost of Infidelity

It was announced yesterday that Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods ex-wife, has been awarded $110,000,000 as part of her divorce settlement. It’s said that Tiger is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 million. So she only got 20%? What’s up with that? The same article concerning the settlement went on to speculate that it also cost Tiger between $8 million and $10 million to keep one of his mistresses (Rachel Uchitel) quiet… Seems to me that’s a bad precedent there Tiger old boy. Did all the others get in line after that? Methinks they did and if that’s true (we haven’t heard a word out of any of them have we?), the total cost for Mr. Woods' escapades could have very well approached $200 million. Do you think that’s why Elin took pity on him and only settled for a measly 20%?

So… Don’t you think we all deserve to see the +/- 200 million dollar women?

Rachel Uchitel

Cori Rist -------------------------------Holly Sampson -------------------Jamee Grubbs


Julie Jungers ----------------------------Julie Postle----------------------Joslyn James **********************************************************************************

Kalika Moquin -------------------------Loredana Jolie -------------Mindy Lawton

Take a look at Tiger Woods’ signature shots…

The only person that could have diminished these talents was the person who owned them… Maybe now that it’s all over Tiger will regain his powers on the course and hopefully live an exemplary life from here on out…


  1. Here's a question: (for my own personal struggles!lol) I know that men are "visual" but take a look at Mindy Lawton with the most clothes on and an expression on her face that looks like she doesn't care if she's being photographed. How many men think she's the most attractive?

  2. Favre and Woods.... couldn't happen to two nicer guys, in my book. Make 'em pay, make 'em pay, make 'em pay!

    Both of these multi-millionaires are notorious tight wads. They cheaped out on the hush money.

    Free tip..... Never leave texts, pics, voice mails, or emails that you wouldn't want a third party to see or hear! Idiots!

  3. Ath... Men are visual? Hmmmm...

    If I had to choose (using my astounding visual capabilities) I think the most attractive is the first one (Rachel)... Looks like a good time! LOL

    You're right about Mindy being the least attractive and if I'm not mistaken (entirely within the realm of possibility) I believe she was the first fling Tiger had after being married. She worked(s) as a waitress in Orlando. I think the other ladies were all on the road so to speak...

  4. Gene I have to agree wholeheartedly... Idiots!

    In my time as a rich sports star (ahem) I made it a point to remain single... Then as my athletic abilities and multi-million dollar paychecks slowly diminished, my thoughts turned to love, marriage and family!

    Although I don't think much of the guy (simply based on the fact that he's the captain of the NY Yankees), Derek Jeter has his head on straight when it comes to his personal relationships. On the other hand, I understand he's been instrumental in introducing both Alex Rodriguez and Tiger Woods to lady friends...

    Favre is a whole nother issue... Wonder what the woman who'e stood by him through all of his trials and tribulations, the mother of his children, the cancer survivor... I wonder what she's thinking. Way to go man...

  5. Dwindy, are you saying Jeter's a pimp? lol

    I've been married for 32 years, 2 months, 8 days, 1 hour, 53 minutes, and I have yet to have an affair with another woman. At the rate I'm going, I'll be dead before it happens. I've heard stories of shady undertakers, so I want a security person on guard when I'm chillin' on the marble slab! I am a guy though, and I appreciate my eyesight. Oh, there was that awesome lap dance at a joint in Dearborn MI... Did I say that out loud?

  6. CR... You remember the movie Little Big Man? Remember the scene when his wife goes out to give birth and leaves Dustin Hoffman's character with her four sisters who he reluctantly does his manly thing with... Remember the line when his wife came back holding their baby? She asks, "All of them?" and when he nods she says, "I knew you were a good man..."

    Not sure how relevant that is to the subject at hand but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

  7. Guess Little Big Man was little in stature, but big in... er... ah, the area that women are visual about? lol

  8. Men AREN'T visual? I've wasted 35 years and thousands of dollars on MARY KAY and L'OREAL?lol
