Friday, December 3, 2010

Super Cell!

During my early morning walkabout through the world on the internet I came across these amazing weather photos taken by amateur photographer Sean Harvey from Montana... Here's one of his shots and the link to the article -

Simply Amazing!

According to the article Sean is hoping to win a prestigious award from National Geographic for his work.


  1. wow, I hope he had a super duper long range lens on that camera b/c I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a storm like that just standing out in the open!

    That really is amazing. Maybe that is what DW is always talking about happens above the race track - the vortex!

  2. Kristen I think it would be a real adrenalin rush! Ever see Twister?

    I know those storms are very destuctive... The power of mother nature! It attracts me for some reason...

    Now why is that Doctor???

  3. Wow! Nothing can scare you like Mother Nature.

    Why is that, Doc?

  4. Gene,

    I guess I'm one of those weather freaks... I enjoy the heck out of a strong wind or heavy rain or a close in lightning storm when you can smell it and your hair stands on end... Earthquakes are cool and I've lived where it can snow like there's no tomorrow.

    Thinkin' about it, I CAN do without baseball sized hail though... LOL

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